Through knowledge and light, truth is born. The savior is the light that illuminates knowledge so that we may see eternal truth. Christ's gospel is the living waters and christ is the light. Through hydration and sunlight a tree may grow and bring forth good fruit. So it is with us. In order to grow we need the living waters- the gospel, which brings us nourishment in the form of knowledge, then the Savior deepens this knowledge by illuminating it and it becomes a part of us.
"The truth will set you free"
In all of my searching for healing I found one consistent thing...the truth, eternal truth is the only thing that brings true and lasting healing. I could search online or ask friends to help me understand the things I was going through, but never did any worldly or friendly advice bring me deep healing unless it was anchored in truth.
So as I "take-root" I want to make sure I'm in rich soil (surrounded by good people who nourish me and encourage me to grow), full of living water (gospel/God's word) that quenches and satisfies, and that I am always reaching for the suns light (Christ's Light) and then and only then can I bring forth the good fruit. (the fruits that I desire and need)
With this fruit (knowledge of truth I share) I can nourish my children, my husband, my extended family, my friends and my community. Fruit not shared only rots. So I must share my knowledge of truth (my testimony) with others.
I will be going on a journey this year to learn about divine beauty, intimacy as God intended it and how to heal from sexual abuse (or intense body shame) through expressive movement. Please follow my blog and join me on this journey of fitness, healing through movement and soul searching and soul healing. Thanks for all of your support and remember to....
Just Keep Moving!