Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I am done

I am done. The house is a mess. There is laundry to fold. The kids are tired and whiney. I just got done volunteering at the daycare at a gym so that I can get free daycare when I go workout. The kids are hungry again even though we ate dinner before we went to the daycare. When we went to leave the daycare Jaidyn didn't want to leave and refused to put on her coat and shoes and suddenly thought she needed to wash her hands. When I wouldn't let her she then decided she needed to put on her shoes. I practically had to drag her to the car. I left the library books there since I was distracted fighting with her and I was almost home when I realized I didn't have them, so we drove back because I figured library books at a daycare with toddlers was probably a bad idea.

Now that we are home there are kids begging to sleep in my room, my son needs laxative and a diaper change but he is so tired he doesn't want to deal with it. I'm looking at the house thinking "Clean so I can have a fresh start tomorrow or go to sleep so I can wake up refreshed?" Decisions, decisions. I don't want to clean. I am done. At least until tomorrow. I will wake up again, start the day again. Kind of reminds me of the movie "Live, Die, Repeat." Pretty much sums up a mothers day, right? ;)

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