Thursday, July 30, 2015

Brotherly, Sisterly and Ancestorly love

Ancestorly might not exactly be a word but work with me here. :)

It dawned on me the other day just how loved my children are. I was at a family reunion for my husband's side of the family and I was watching people watch my kids and the other grandkids, nieces, nephews etc play. There were alot of people I knew from previous family gatherings but most of their names escape me, even so as I watched them watch my children I could see the joy in their faces as they saw them play. They asked us about our lives and listened attentively and it dawned on me..."These people actually love my kids." They may not see them alot and they may not have a deep relationship with them but still they love them. They hope for the best for them and are excited about their successes. It got me thinking about all the people on my husband's side of the family and on my side of the family that love my children. I was overwhelmed with a feeling of even those on the other side of the veil and their interest on our behalf and I realized we have no idea how many people are rooting for us right from the get go. There is so much excitement when another little one is born into this world. Everyone wants to know if the baby will be healthy, who the baby will look like and what personality traits him or her will have. It's funny how genes really play a role in our attributes from parents, to grandparents and aunts and uncles. Someone somewhere up the line can relate to how you feel, cause they got that gene too!

Years ago when I was pregnant with Jaidyn I felt the constant companionship of a loved one on the other side of the veil. I don't know her name but the name Beth always came to mind when I thought of her. I had always felt like she was probably an ancestor looking out for me but after that day at the family reunion I have no doubt she is one of my ancestors, for some reason I imagine from my dad's side. I was going through a rough time. Carl James was a little over 3 1/2 and the twins were a little over 2. Carl James was going through an emotional time and was being very defiant and the twins were into everything! Let's just say my patience was not what it should be but having Beth around saved me quite a few times. I vividly remember one time I was doing laundry and I heard commotion in the other room, I remember my blood was starting to boil and I was ready to go into the room yelling and impatient. It was as clear as day when I heard Beth say "Be nice." Those were the words but the emotion conveyed was much, much more. There was the love of a mother and grandmother in the room. I felt understanding from her about where I was coming from but also compassion for my tiny growing children. I felt patience emanating from her and I could almost feel her touch my arm gently as I went to go scold the children.

Sadly I didn't stay as calm as I had hoped but having that reminder and one that was filled with so much love made me see with different eyes. Instead of seeing what my children were doing I was able to see what my children needed. I was reminded how little they were and since her correction of my attitude came from a place of love and understanding I didn't beat myself up but instead just resolved to do better. I didn't waste any time wallowing in sadness I just decided they needed more, they needed better and I could do that. I felt her presence with me alot during those few months and I will forever be grateful to her gentle reminders and her constant companionship through such a rough time in my life and a time that my children needed her as well.

These experiences combined help me to see much more clearly how much love is out there in the world. We often feel alone and like we are navigating this life alone but we have no idea how many people are just waiting to be asked to help. We have no idea the people beyond the veil just wanting us to ask for their presence and their heavenly help. I imagine if I could see with clear eyes that my children are constantly surrounded by angels. My mother has a quote in her bedroom and it says "Legions of angels watch over the children of parents who pray." Legions, that's alot and I don't doubt it. That has always brought me much comfort. I never imagined growing up that those legions of angels are most likely my ancestors. There is a quote on facebook that I recently saw that is on "The Mankind Project" fb page it says "Suddenly all of my ancestors are behind me. 'Be still' they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands."  I felt that the other day as I sat in the park realizing how loved my children are. As I thought of the people before me I was overwhelmed with love and  it was that day that I realized how loved I am and how loved you are.

Never forget "you are the result of the love of thousands"

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